Let $S$ be a set with $|S| = N$.
Let $c_1, c_2, ..., c_t$ be conditions on the elements of $S$.
$N(a b c ...)$ denotes the number of elements of $S$ that satisfy
$$ a \land b \land c \land ... $$
So $N(\bar c_1 \bar c_2, ... \bar c_t)$ denotes the number of elements of $S$ that satisfy none of the conditions $c_i$.
$$ \begin{aligned} N(\bar c_1 \bar c_2 ... \bar c_t) &= N - \sum_{i \leq i \leq t} N(c_i) + \sum_{i \leq i < j \leq t} N(c_ic_j)
\end{aligned} $$
Simplification of Notation
$$ \begin{aligned} S_0 &\triangleq N, \\ S_1 &\triangleq N(c_1) + N(c_2) + ... N(c_t), \\ S_2 &\triangleq N(c_1c_2) + N(c_2c_3) + ... N(c_{t - 1}c_t) \\ \vdots \\ S_k &\triangleq \sum_{1 \leq i_1 < i_2 < ... < i_k \leq t}N(c_{i_1}c_{i_2}...c_{i_k})
\end{aligned} $$
The principle of inclusion and exclusion simplifies to
$$ N(\bar c_1 \bar c_2 ... \bar c_t) = S_0 - S_1 + S_2 - .... + (-1)^tS_t $$
By DeMorgan’s Law,
$$ c_1 \lor c_2 \lor ... \lor c_t = \lnot(\lnot c_1 \land \lnot c_2 \land ... \land \lnot c_t) $$
$$ \begin{aligned} N(c_1 \lor c_2 \lor ... \lor c_t) &= N - N(\bar c_1 \bar c_2 ... \bar c_t) \\ &= S_1 - S_2+ ... + (-1)^{t - 1}S_t \end{aligned} $$
Further Simplification
$$ N_k \triangleq N(c_{i_1}c_{i_2}...c_{i_k}) $$
$$ S_k = \binom{t}{k}N_k $$
Number of onto func.